
The HDBMA provides an interconnected, collective voice for businesses in the Historic Core of Downtown
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Los Angeles. We are a unified group of merchants that join together to support and strengthen each other, develop our community, and speak for
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business issues that affect us.

Peter Bedard welcomes CYH Teas with Ari Simon Blair Besten & Sara Hernandez

We understand the unique task of running a business in a transformational neighborhood and are proud to advocate for our individual endeavors and our community at large.
What the Building & Merchants Association can do for you:
  • - Provide networking opportunities to cross-promote your business and share creative business practices
  • - Offer workshops and events to help strengthen your business
  • - Involve your business in local and regional promotional events
  • - Connect you with City entities such as LAPD and LAFD
  • - Give you assistance with the City of Los Angeles and leverage support for your endeavors
  • - Speak out for the issues that affect your business to property owners, City officials, and other involved stakeholders
  • - Build coalitions to present business issues at LA City Council
  • - Promote your business through Historic Core-branded social media
Spring for Coffee Historic Core Downtown LA

Join us and become a member today! an application is available here.

For a list of our upcoming events and to RSVP, click here.

For more details or questions, contact:
Carrie Cheung, HDBMA Coordinator, [email protected]
Ari Simon, Historic Core BID, 213.488.1901, [email protected]